Heartless follows Sofie and Sebastian - two siblings meijubar.net with a deep dark and fatal secret. In order to survive they must suck energy out of other people. We follow their quest for answers as...
Centers on Maddie, a party girl and a highly functioning addict who makes the difficult decision to live with other recovering addicts at a rehab facility, while facing the daily pressures of her teen...
年轻夫妇本(塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦 Sebastian Stan 饰)和凯莉(阿什丽·格林尼 Ashley Greene 饰)驱车搬到女方父母位于加利福尼亚荒野中心一个孤独小镇内的房子,准备展开全新生活。不过从他们刚来的第一天起,房子内外便接二连三出现诡异且常识无法解释的现象。宠物小狗毫无征兆的意外死亡,似乎更预示着一段恐怖经历的开始。种种恐怖的经历迫使本向大学时代的好友帕特里克(汤姆·费尔...