The major new six-part drama series, produced by Rainmark Films, sees Bean return as John Marlott - no longer a mere mortal, Marlott's purpose is to seek revenge on Lord Daniel Hervey for taking h...
Mike Flaherty unexpectedly visits from Washington, meets his replacement Charlie, and ruins Charlie's attempts at wooing Caitlin. Meanwhile, Randall begins dating Judge Claire Simmons, who is sepa...
该剧由Michael J. Fox自编自演,自己制片,故事根据他本人的真实生活改编。他在剧中扮演患帕金森综合症的Mike Burnaby,在家庭、事业和疾病三方夹击下仍顽强拼搏。Mike曾是纽约一家地方电视台的节目主持人,疾病一度导致他不能工作。现在一种新药让他的身体状况改善许多,他考虑重返工作岗位。...