“Me” follows a 12-year-old kid named Ben who is in the throes of middle school (complete with bullies, crushes and school dances!) as he adjusts to a newly blended family AND the realization that he...
故事进行到第六季,提利昂(彼特·丁拉基 Peter Dinklage 饰)和瓦利斯(康雷斯·希尔 Conleth Hill 饰)渡海投奔龙母丹妮莉丝(艾米莉亚·克拉克 Emilia Clarke 饰),可后者却亦处于困境之中,复国计划停滞不前。
另一边,太后瑟曦(琳娜·海蒂 Lena Headey 饰)的权利被教会彻底架空,裸体游街的耻辱之后,是唯一的儿子如今的国王托曼(卡鲁姆·瓦尔里 Cal...
As a young couple embark upon their wedding plans, gruesome secrets from their past collide with sinister forces of the present to ensure these newlyweds do not live "happily-ever-after"....