The film, Silent Heroes, is based on the story of 13 real deaf children who through mountaineering want to prove that they are different but not disabled. The Leader who never considered the deaf chil...
On the 100th anniversary of the original voyage, a modern luxury liner christened "Titanic 2," follows the path of its namesake. But when a tsunami hurls an ice berg into the new ship's ...
一只兔子预见未来,发现整个兔群即将面临灭顶之灾,它和好友榛子(约翰·赫特 John Hurt 配音)一起来到了首领面前,告诫首领应该带着兔群举家迁移。首领并不相信两只小兔子的话,无奈之下,兔子和榛子只得带上其他几只相信它们所言的公兔子,踏上了旅途,自寻出路。