距苏门答腊海峡1700海里,一名远赴印度洋独自航行的男子(罗伯特·雷德福 Robert Redford 饰)绝望地喃喃自语,在这里,似乎一切尽失。8天前。仍在睡梦中的他遭逢连番劫难,先是驾驶的帆船与一个掉入海里的集装箱相撞,再是船舱无法遏止地进水,无以修复。随之而来的厄运,如海上的暴风雨般席卷了他的一切生机。导航和无线电报废,失去所有对外联络的装备;暴雨倾盆,惊涛骇浪肆无忌惮的侵袭着他赖以生存的轮...
Directed by Justin Denton, the pic tells the story of Rick, a poor construction worker, who makes a deal with a dying business mogul to inherit his business empire and property worth billions. The d...
Trapped in a historic remodeled 5-star Hotel with an eclectic group of strangers who refused to evacuate during a hurricane, Caroline must work with concierge Marcos to discover who killed the hotel...
The three-part limited series will follow Emily Maitlis’ professional and personal journey as a Newsnight journalist, leading up to her acclaimed interview with Prince Andrew.
In Prince Andrew’s dis...
The three-part limited series will follow Emily Maitlis’ professional and personal journey as a Newsnight journalist, leading up to her acclaimed interview with Prince Andrew. In Prince Andrew’s di...
When a paranormal social media influencer winds up dead, a USFS ranger must pull himself out of mourning to grapple with the reality of the fact that Bigfoot might actually exist, and be responsible...