An iconic artist at an iconic location. This concert film captures several mesmerizing live performances from the renowned German composer and producer Nils Frahm at the legendary Funkhaus Berlin. E...
Nerve-tingling story revolving around an old house which has lain empty for 20 years, guarding the secrets of unsolved mysteries and murders committed within its silent walls. But now the house is a...
Filmed over the summer festival season, Underplayed presents a portrait of the current status of the gender, ethnic, and sexuality equality issues in dance music....
Good Deed拿下讲述奥黛丽·赫本的纪录片[奥黛丽](Audrey,暂译)北美发行权。该片由海伦娜·科恩([臻于至善])执导,Salon Pictures制作。影片讲述奥黛丽隐藏在完美外表下的伤心故事,同时也将记录她如何追随自己的内心离开了好莱坞,在人道主义的工作上寻找到真正的激情以及遇到她将陪伴度过余生的男人。影片将包括大量视听的材料及访谈。[奥黛丽]将于2020年登陆北美院线。...
In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the newly elected environmental friendly Norwegian government has stopped the all important oil- ...