This new three-part transformational science series follows a group of designers, engineers, programmers and tech experts as they face the challenge of coming up with innovative interventions that w...
10月22日,BBC开播一部新科幻电视剧《Torchwood》,这是英国长寿科幻电视剧大王《Doctor Who》(神秘博士/异世奇人)的衍生剧集。Torchwood这个名词其实是Doctor Who由颠倒字母顺序而构成的字。Torchwood在《Doctor Who 2005》里出现过好几次,例如《Doctor Who 2005》2x02里提到了1879年的维多利亚女王遇到了博士和Rose,...
A look at the relationship between big cats in the wild and our domestic pussycats, and the feline species' journey from hunters of the wild to household pets....
Tony (CANDYMAN) Todd stars as the titular executed occultist whose spirit haunts the prison where he was executed 20 years ago; Carla Greene plays a new inmate who senses his presence and battles...