Faustine, a romantic teenager, decides to spend her summer in the countryside with her grandparents. Upon her arrival she briefly meets a teenager named Joachim and quickly becomes obsessed with his...
Gracie and Pedro are family pets with nothing in common. Gracie is a snobby, purebred pooch who considers herself "Best in Show", while Pedro is a brazen, rescue cat, preferring his dinner...
效力于某知名搜索引擎公司的程序员加利·史密斯(多姆纳尔·格利森 Domhnall Gleeson 饰)幸运地抽中老板纳森(奥斯卡?伊萨克 Oscar Isaac 饰)所开出的大奖,他将受邀前往位于深山的别墅中和老板共度假期。在与世隔绝的别墅中,纳森亲切地接待了这位员工。 事实上他邀请加利到来还有另一个目的,那就是协助他完成其所开发的智能机器人的测试。天才一般的纳森研制了具有独立思考能力的智能机器人...