Cut off from home and facing an impossible mission against mounting odds, "Deep Six" is a hyper-realistic live-action portrayal of a deep space forward operating base at a pivotal moment for...
A seemingly trivial case of a small carpentry business that has gone bankrupt under mysterious circumstances gets Mads' attention. Claudia is released after one and a half years in prison but her ...
Mark A. Altman负责的CW夏季科幻剧《潘多拉 Pandora》背景设置在2199年,主角是别称「Pandora」的Jax(Priscilla Quintana饰),丧失双亲后她在地球的太空训练学院找到新生活,现在足智多谋的Jax与朋友们一同学习如何阻止银河系里的人类或外星人威胁。不过当女主的真实身份被揭露时,她得面对自己可能是「人类救世主」或「毁灭人类的存在」。
Global, a Canadian TV network, announced that its hit series Rookie Blue will premiere on Thursday, June 16 at 10 PM. Obviously, the series will also be aired on ABC, an American TV network.
The fir...
Dee, a non-binary freelance illustrator, is locked into a lease they can't afford. Dee's younger sister, Amy, enacts a plan to find the perfect roommate. Enter Rachel, a queer British bartende...