Some Star Wars fans want to collect action figures... these fans want to be action figures! A tribute to the 501st Legion, a global organization of Star Wars costume enthusiasts, this insightful doc...
在一个罪恶的都市,一个散发着孤独和死亡臭味的偏远小镇里,只有廖少的人仍旧住在那里,每天撒谎,欺诈,偷窃,滥赌和吸毒来消磨他们那没有目标而又没完没了的时间,可以这样猜想,他们全都在暗自祈祷一个最不寻常的吸血鬼: 一个长相无辜裹着伊斯兰头巾的年轻女孩滑着滑板巡游在街上搜寻牺牲品来满足她的饥渴。本片以华丽和富有感染力的黑白镜头拍摄,是居住在美国的作家和导演 Ana Lily Amirpour的第一部影片...
Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge immediately follows the events of the original with the survivors attending the funeral of “Rad Chad” Buckley, which quickly devolves into an elaborate series of d...
拥有幽灵机器的孤独男人电影一场全球性灾难过后,地球上的最后一个人开始质疑自己的目的和理智,因为他已故的妻子和一个神秘的陌生人向他讲述了他的过去、现在以及在这片死寂世界的废墟中可能留下的未来。《我是传奇》与《圣诞颂歌》相遇,由宇宙级 HP Lovecraft 执导,由 FrightFest 客座最爱演员兼导演 Graham Skipper(《SUITABLE FLESH》、《THE LEECH》、《...
A man's struggle against himself and against time. Kenyan runner Eliud Kipchoge dreams of completing a marathon distance of less than two hours. An achievement that is considered unattainable fo...