Ellie, a recovering drug addict, has just moved to a new city with her two teenage children. She has struggled to stay sober in the past and is determined to make it work this time, finding a stable...
关于法国天后级歌手达琳达Dalida的传记片,这部电影讲述的就是Dalida的生活,里面有她跌宕一生的故事,也有法国60年代充满真诚的歌声。她活跃于乐坛30几年,掀起过欧洲的第一次歌迷狂潮现象,是唯一一位被戴高乐总统授予过共和国总统勋章的艺人,经历过无数成名路上的坎坷与艰辛。她以那首BAMBINO走向世人,又以那句“La vie m'est insupportable, pardonnez-m...
A tropical paradise in an attempt to find love. As they compete to form relationships, the most compatible couples will play matchmaker, breaking up other couples and sending them on dates with bran...