The nightmarish tale of two siblings cruelly separated as kids. The youngest, Elena, is confined to the world of darkness, where she leads a miserable life. While the eldest, Facundo, remains in par...
The protagonist, after years spent in war-torn Syria, decides to return to Italy, to finally put behind his terrible experiences, and regain his life. But in order to do so, he will have to pay a v...
Madonna: Truth or Dare (known as In Bed with Madonna outside North America) is a 1991 American documentary film chronicling the life of American singer-songwriter Madonna during her 1990 Blond Ambit...
The series revolves around three friends who decide to embark on a journey, in which they will run into a stranger who will make their lives change completely....
In this new series, the director Chloe? Robichaud, whose first film Sarah pre?fe?re la course had a remarkable international career after its official opening at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, ...