The film centers on the Herdman kids, who are the absolute worst. They lie, they steal, they bully… and they’ve hijacked the town Christmas pageant. As the rowdy and raucous siblings force themselve...
The film centers on the Herdman kids, who are the absolute worst. They lie, they steal, they bully… and they’ve hijacked the town Christmas pageant. As the rowdy and raucous siblings force themselve...
PANIC is a new Amazon Prime Video one-hour drama series, written and created by Lauren Oliver (based on her bestselling novel). It takes place in a small Texas town, where every summer the graduatin...
Beauty Blogger Alexa Landry only had one fear, plastic surgery. She ultimately had to face this fear when she was kidnapped with her friends by Dr. Cunningham. A deranged plastic surgeon who is obse...
Colton Donavan lives on that razor-thin edge toward out of control. Whether it\'s on the track or off of it, everything he wants is at his fingertips: success, willing women, media attention. Everythi...