Viaplay’s reboot follows 40-year-old Inspector John Rebus at a psychological crossroads following an altercation with an infamous Edinburgh gangster. At odds with a job increasingly driven by technocr...
“The Shakedown” follows the story of Justin Diamond (Carl Beukes), a well-respected medical aid broker who gets mixed up in the Cape Town underworld after his mistress threatens to reveal the secret...
二部曲:丛林历险/未来客与屠龙王 The Lost World Season 2 分集简介 ●第一集:全部或全不 在深谷中的吊桥上,众人与Drakul及其手下展开一场混战。玛格丽特和 维罗妮卡眼睁睁看见Summerlee中箭后掉入深渊。蜥蜴人Tribune为了报复背叛他的Drakul,扔出炸药炸毁了吊桥,所有人都掉入河中。维罗妮卡坚信朋友们都活着,与玛格丽特反复搜寻河岸。很快她们和查林杰、马龙...