一场世界性的扑克牌比赛正在人人趋之若鹜的拉斯维加斯轰轰烈烈的举行着,每天,无数的扑克牌高手从世界各地赶到此处,为的就是能在这样的权威性赛事里一决高下。在诸多的选手中,一个名叫哈克(艾瑞克·巴纳 Eric Bana 饰)的年轻人颇为显眼。在比赛中,哈克不仅屡屡创下佳绩,更是光明正大的将目光投向了冠军的宝座。 一次偶然中,哈克结识了美丽聪明的歌女比莉(德鲁·巴里摩尔 Drew Barrymore...
阿丽亚娜(娜塔丽·沃佳诺娃 Natalia Vodianova 饰)出生于家底雄厚的宗教家庭,美丽单纯的她早早就步入了婚姻的殿堂。一次偶然中,阿丽亚娜结识了一位名为索拉尔(乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯 Jonathan Rhys Meyers 饰)的英俊男子,后者为当时在政坛上叱咤风云的犹太裔外交官。
"Daughters of the Dust" tells the story of a family of African-Americans who have lived for many years on a Southern offshore island, and of how they come together one day in 1902 to celeb...
We all know the main story of Abraham Lincoln's death, how he was killed, where it took place, and who pulled the trigger. But what exactly happened during the last day of his life? Relive April...