13岁的黑人小孩克里斯(泰勒·詹姆斯·威廉姆 Tyler James Williams 饰)生活在纽约布鲁克林区,家中有做好几份低等工拼命养家、极度抠门的老爸朱利叶斯(泰瑞·克鲁斯 Terry Crews 饰),有虚荣、能干的大嗓门老妈罗谢尔(蒂琪娜·阿诺 Tichin a Arnold 饰),还有一对麻烦的弟妹德鲁(特昆·里奇蒙德 Tequan Richmond 饰)和唐娅(Im...
A dying mother, Sarah, tells her last wish to her eldest son, Drew, that he take his younger brother, Will, to the place they were born. Despite tragic family history, hope gives promise to the future...