A disconnected teenage girl named Lea, who enters a relationship with a man twice her age. Lea sees him as the solution to all her problems, but his intentions are not what they seem....
Adam's and Eve's epic journey throughout history trying to find the meaning of human life. Do we grow in wisdom as centuries pass, or just drift towards an inevitable doom?...
为给身患重病的父亲交付医药费,电工文斯(萨姆·赖利 Sam Riley饰)不得已卖掉了房子。一次偶然的机会,文斯在他修理的房间里得到房主的一封神秘信件和一张不知道终点的火车票。一面是房主的离奇意外死亡和完全未知的危险旅程,一面是一笔足够改写人生的巨额财富,文斯最终还是决 定踏上这次神秘旅程。然而当他抵达隐蔽的目的地之后,等待他的却是一场无法全身而退的疯狂杀人游戏。