A teenage boy lives with his single mum in a flat in South London. Into the flat below moves an anti-social, former Rock God who faked his death 8 years ago. The teenage boy works out who the myster...
罗拉(拉娜·特纳 Lana Turner 饰)和苏西(桑德拉·狄 Sandra Dee 饰)是一对相依为命的母女。在工作中,罗拉是一位女强人,总是将她的大部分时间都投入到繁忙的职务中,生活里自然而然少了很多对于女儿的关注,久而久之,母女之间的隔阂越来越深。这感情的裂痕在她们都爱上了同一个男人之后,最终导致了悲剧。 安妮(朱安妮塔·摩尔 Juanita Moore 饰)是一名黑人女子,而她的女...
In sepia tones, the film moves back and forth among three periods in Robert Tucker's life: he's an old man, near death, in a nursing home at Christmas time; he's in middle age caring for...