Wild Cards is a crime-solving procedural with a comedic twist that follows the unlikely duo of a gruff, sardonic cop and a spirited, clever con woman. Ellis (Giacomo Gianniotti of Grey’s Anatomy) pl...
由Austin Winsberg执笔﹑Richard Shepard执导的NBC音乐剧《佐伊的读心歌单 Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist》获正式预订,此剧被形容为《偷听女人心 What Women Want》及《爱乐之城 La La Land》 的融合体,剧中讲述聪明但不擅社交﹑典型A型人的快30岁女主Zoey,她某天突然获得以歌曲﹑音乐剧方式听到旁人内心想法的能力,于是...
Faced with the destruction of her town at the hands of a greedy mining company, rebellious high school teacher Sarah Cooper utilizes an obscure cartographical loophole to declare independence....
由Austin Winsberg执笔﹑Richard Shepard执导的NBC音乐剧《佐伊的读心歌单 Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist》获正式预订,此剧被形容为《偷听女人心 What Women Want》及《爱乐之城 La La Land》 的融合体,剧中讲述聪明但不擅社交﹑典型A型人的快30岁女主Zoey,她某天突然获得以歌曲﹑音乐剧方式听到旁人内心想法的能力,...