Follows Ted who moves in with his father Marty when he develops a fatal illness. To keep him happy and alive, Ted enlists Marty's grief counselor Mariana and friends to fake a Red Sox winning streak...
影片讲述松鼠奎特(克里斯·韦奇 Chris Wedge 配音)为了追松果,偶然引发了宇宙事件,改变并威胁着冰川时代的世界。为了拯救自己,话唠树懒希德(约翰·雷吉扎莫 John Leguizamo 配音)、猛犸象曼尼(雷·罗马诺 Ray Romano 配音)、剑齿虎迪亚哥(丹尼斯·利瑞 Denis Leary 配音),以及别的动物群族必须离开家园,踏上了他们充满喜剧色彩的冒险旅程,他们来到了充满异国...
Nobody in the precinct likes the new captain, Wunsch continues to humiliate Holt as he takes his new job in Public Relations, and Jake and Amy try to figure out what to do next after their kiss....