Follows Morgan, a single mother of three with a brilliant mind, as she rearranges some evidence during her shift as a cleaner for the police department, aiding in the resolution of an unsolvable case....
Follows Morgan, a single mother of three with a brilliant mind, as she rearranges some evidence during her shift as a cleaner for the police department, aiding in the resolution of an unsolvable cas...
Nothing compares to the magic and excitement of the holidays in New York City, where the streets blaze with lights, windows dazzle and a special box from Tiffany could change the course of a person’s ...
Steven Lilien与Bryan Wynbrandt执笔的《上帝加我好友 God Friended Me》讲述主角Miles(Brandon Michael Hall饰)是个直言无讳的无神论者,直至某天他Facebook被上帝加了好友,因此主角成了上帝的代理人,并改变他身边人的生活及命运。其他演员包括Violett Beane﹑Suraj Sharma﹑Javicia Leslie及Joe ...