New York sportswriter Mack who spent years devising successful hook-up "plays" with best friend Adam and crew, unexpectedly falls for one of the targets and learns what it takes to go from s...
New York sportswriter Mack who spent years devising successful hook-up "plays" with best friend Adam and crew, unexpectedly falls for one of the targets and learns what it takes to go from...
《我们》是一部意大利爱情家庭剧集,该剧改编自美剧《我们这一天 This Is Us》。每个人都有一个家庭,每个家庭都有一个故事。讲述了 Peirò 家族几十年来的故事: Pietro 和 Rebecca夫妇在 1980 年代面临抚养三个孩子的挑战,直到今天克劳迪奥、卡特琳娜和丹尼尔寻求自己的幸福之路。该系列由 Cattleya 制作,改编自 Dan Fogelman 构思的 American Th...