Martin, an aging man, is abandoned in a psychiatric hospital, where a pharmaceutical business is conducting illegal drug tests. His granddaughter, Ana, discovers that her own father is directly involv...
A challenging thriller that tackels gender issues. Four friends spend a hot summer afternoon at an abondoned quarry. They enjoy bathing in the lake and soaking up the sun. However, a dispute ensues ...
克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯新片[指尖](Au Bout Des Doigts,暂译)将于10月7日在巴黎开拍,参演过[我的国王]的卢德维克·伯特希尔克确认执导。影片剧本由导演和[亚马逊萌猴奇遇记]编剧约翰娜·伯纳德共同撰写,剧情梗概尚未透露,其他卡司包括朱尔·本谢特里([新房客])、朗贝尔·维尔森([奥赛德])等。...